Public Works encourages drivers to exercise caution following recent snowfall, advises will begin salt brine treatments today as temps rise above 20 degrees.
An average of 1 1/2 inches of snow fell across the county last night. Historically, the County doesn’t begin plowing operations until accumulations reach 3 inches or more. Plowing less than 3 inches of snow produces sporadic results, as the snow lacks the volume to clump up and be effectively removed from the roadway.
Worcester County uses liquid salt brine to pre-treat roads prior to storms. Temperatures must be at or above 20 degrees for salt brine to work properly. Given the ambient temperatures the last few days, crews have been unable to utilize this treatment. However, with temperatures expected to rise above 20º today, Public Works will begin applying brine to larger, collector road, brine routes.
While the Maryland State Highway is able to salt roads during small snowfall events, Worcester County does not have enough salt spreading equipment to enact it on a Countywide scale. Salt applications are limited to small spot treatment using a couple pick up trucks.