What is done with the recyclable material once it is dropped off?
Cardboard, Aluminum, Bi-Metal, Plastic and Paper are sorted thru, bailed and sold to companies.
What types of paper are acceptable for recycling?
Loose leaf paper, newspaper, magazines, office paper, mail, hard and soft back covered books, shredded paper (shredded paper is the only thing that we ask be put into a bag, preferably a paper bag), until our sorters can open it on the assembly line.
What types of paper are not recyclable?
Spiral notebooks, wax paper, dog/cat/ bird food bags, (if plastic lined), paper towels, dryer sheets, napkins, plastic lined bags.
How is glass recycled?
Most types and colors of glass are used on the landfill for road surface compaction, wash out, and drainage around wells. This saves money on having to use stone, which is very expensive. We are working with an engineering company and surrounding counties to find additional uses for glass.
What glass cannot be recycled?
Window pane glass/tempered glass. What plastics are recyclable? # 1 and # 2 plastics as indicated in the triangle on the bottom of the item. Small water bottles, soda bottles, milk jugs, coffee containers, bleach bottles, laundry detergent bottles, and dish washing soap bottles.
What Plastics are not recyclable?
Boat wrap, vinyl siding, buckets, milk crates, water hoses, 55 gallon drums, flower pots, Adirondack Chairs, tarps, plastic trash bags, fencing, large water jugs, oil bottles, antifreeze, gas cans, potato chip bags, Ziploc bags, Candy wrappers, plastic alcohol bottles, frosted bottles, such as Arizona Iced Tea. All plastic food containers (ex: peanut butter) must be thoroughly washed out. WE CANNOT RECYCLE PLASTIC BAGS.
What types of cardboard are recyclable?
Brown cardboard boxes, cereal boxes (please remove the plastic), television and video game boxes (please remove Styrofoam), macaroni and cheese boxes, jello boxes.
What is not accepted with cardboard?
Any kind of boxes with wax coating, soiled pizza boxes, any kind of soiled cardboard (grease, mold, paint, chicken house used for litter).
What types of cans are accepted?
Soda cans, beer cans, bi metal cans (soup cans, cat and dog food cans- tabs and labels do not need to be taken off of cans.
What types of cans are not accepted?
Aerosol, paint cans, oil cans Does Styrofoam need to be removed from boxes that are being recyclable. The simple answer is yes. As of October 1, 2020, Styrofoam is banned in the State of Maryland. Although, Styrofoam will still be in packing crates, television boxes, games, etc., the Styrofoam should be removed from the boxes and thrown away.
Can you recycle paint cans?
How do you dispose of paint cans?
Water based paint cans, if, dried out, can be disposed of in the trash. Oil based paints can only be disposed at the Worcester County Hazardous Waste drop off which is held once a year.
Can you recycle Aerosol Cans?
No Aerosol Cans must be thrown in the trash.
Where can I dispose of Propane tanks?
The Central Site Lane Landfill is the only county facility that accepts Propane Tanks. There is a charge of $10.00 per tank, to dispose of them. Worcester County residents may also drop Propane Tanks off at the yearly Worcester County Hazardous Waste Drop Off.
What types of material are accepted at the yearly Hazardous Waste drop off?
Oil based paints, fluorescent light bulbs, interior and exterior household chemicals (pesticides, cleaning supplies) batteries, computers and laptops, propane bottles/tanks, fire extinguishers, helium tanks. No Televisions are accepted.
Where can I drop off my used Motor Oil?
The Central Site Lane Landfill, and select Worcester County Transfer Stations, (Snow Hill, Pocomoke, and Berlin, all have oil containers for Worcester County home owners to dispose of oil. Commercial Companies may not dispose of oil at any of these locations.
Where can I dispose of tires?
The Central Site Lane Landfill is the only facility in Worcester County where tires are accepted. There is a charge of $10.00 for Tractor Trailer Tires, $3.00 per car tire, $5.00 if tire is on the rim, (up to 10 car tires accepted at this rate). If you bring more than 10 tires, the rate is $225.00 per ton.
Where can I dispose of yard waste?
The Central Site Landfill and Pocomoke Transfer Station are the only two facilities that will accept yard waste with a permit. No charge with a Homeowners Permit. A tipping fee will apply to citizens without a Home owners permit. (No tipping fees accepted at the Pocomoke Transfer Station) Central Site Landfill only accepts cash or checks for tipping fees. No credit cards are accepted.
Can you recycle aluminum foil?
Can you recycle milk or juice paperboard cartons?