The Board of License Commissioners - Liquor Licensing

Board of License Commissioners

The Board of License Commissioners, a three-member Board, is appointed by the Governor of the State of Maryland to hear requests at public hearings for alcoholic beverage licenses, to hear complaints of citizens and law enforcement about existing licensed premises and to annually review each license that applies for a renewal. The Board is responsible for assisting the public with the issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses and permits, consideration of special allowances for licensed premises, consideration and review of restrictions and conditions set forth on licensed properties and the enforcement of the responsibilities associated with holding an alcoholic beverage license. The Board enforces the Alcoholic Beverages Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and follows through all regulatory aspects associated with alcohol licensing. The Board holds “show cause” hearings upon receipt of law enforcement investigation reports and credible citizen complaints of any wrongdoing on the part of the license holders. These hearings can result in fines up to $4,000 in addition to suspension or revocation of the license for each substantiated violation.


The Board works very closely with the Fire Marshal’s Office and Health Department to ensure safety regulations are complied with.  Furthermore, a strong collaboration exists between State and local law enforcement agencies to make sure that licensed properties adhere to State and local laws and regulations relevant to their respective license.  The Board complies with pertinent State and local mandated studies and reports. It also regulates and develops strategic plans to guarantee all Maryland State taxes owed by licensees are kept current and up to date. The Board welcomes a professional relationship with its licensees to ensure regulations are adhered to while maintaining the responsibilities they have been tasked to fulfill.

A Special One Day Per Diem Permit allows any qualified, bona fide religious, fraternal, veterans, political, civic, or other nonprofit organization to hold one-time events where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed. Read More Here
The rules and regulations for the Liquor Board is a set of guidelines written to be sure that every establishment in Worcester County is in compliance. View the Rules and Regulations Handbook HERE
Application to allow an employee under 18 to serve alcoholic beverages. Download Application
Meeting files for the Board of License Commissioners can be found this link. Board of License Commissioners Meeting Files

Contact Information

April Payne, Liquor License Administrator
Phone: 410-632-1200 (ext. 1120)
Fax 410-632-3008