
The Zoning Division is responsible for implementing and enforcing the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article and other pertinent regulations and policies, such as the Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines, etc. In addition, the Division coordinates efforts with the other Divisions of the Department as well as other County, State and Federal agencies during the processing of permits for agricultural, residential and commercial land uses and structures and when evaluating site plans and subdivision plats.

This Division processes the following types of permits: building, zoning, electrical, yard sale and demolition. This Division also issues roadside stand licenses.  

In conjunction with a permit, site plan, subdivision plat or Certificate Use and Occupancy, the Zoning Division may require the posting of a financial security and the execution of a bond for the installation of lights, landscaping, parking improvements, etc., the demolition of structures or moved structures. The Administrative Division processes and tracks the bonds.

The Zoning Division investigates alleged public health nuisances and makes recommendations to the County Commissioners as to the validity of those complaints. The Division also coordinates efforts with other County Departments when abating conditions determined to be a public health nuisance.

Zoning serves as staff to the Technical Review Committee, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals.  Applications for site plans, subdivisions, variances, special exceptions, expansion of non-conforming uses and structures, etc. are reviewed and evaluated by this Division for conformance with the pertinent regulations and staff reports are prepared for said Boards. The yearly calendar, monthly agendas and minutes for hearings or meetings of the Technical Review Committee, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals are also prepared by this Division.

Contact Information

Kristen Tremblay, Zoning Administrator
Phone: 410-632-1200 (ext. 1131)
Fax 410-632-3008